About - Victor Carlo – Law Society Accredited Specialist Specialist

Victor Carlo - Family Law Accredited Specialist

Accredited Family Law Specialist

Victor was admitted to practise in December 1993 and joined Calvin Nelson in October 1997.

A Master of Applied Law (Family Law) degree gives Victor a deep appreciation of the Family Law legislation concerning both married and de-facto couples (including same sex). 

With 30 years experience Victor has achieved advantageous outcomes acting for individual and corporate clients across his specialist practice areas:

  • Family Law
  • Property Law
  • Wills & Estates and
  • Local Court matters

For Family Law, Wills & Estate Planning call Victor on 9898 1155

Professional advice in Family/Defacto law:

  • Mediated /Negotiated financial and child settlements: resulting in non litigated outcomes which conclude with neither party attending Court.
  • Property/Spousal Maintenance Matters: cases involving the division of assets to more the complex matters involving Superannuation, Trusts, inheritances and other windfall gains, family businesses, partnerships and companies. Victor also can advise in regards to spousal maintenance on both an urgent basis and long term basis.
  • Children Matters: cases involving disputes as to where the child shall live and see, the issue of Passports, change of name, relocation, family violence and abuse of children, and, also urgent matters involving living arrangements for children.
  • Child Support Matters: issues regarding paternity, reviews of Child Support Assessments, and, advice on Child Support Agreements.
  • Pre-Nuptial and Binding Financial Agreements: before, during and after separation.

Victor appreciates the costs and stress associated with Court proceedings and uses his experience and knowledge, in all areas of the Law, to achieve favourable out of court settlements.

Professional advice in other legal matters:

  • Property Transactions: all types of conveyancing, commercial and retail leases, sale and purchase of businesses.
  • Estate and Succession Planning: drafting Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardians.
  • Estates: all works in obtaining Probate and Letters of Administration, and attending to claims upon Disputed Wills/Estates.
  • Local Court: Drink Driving, Domestic Violence, Assault, Stealing, Fraud/Embezzlement and ALL areas of Criminal and Motor Traffic Offence.

Expert Advice from our Legal Specialists

Our Services

Disputed Wills & Estates
Disputed Wills & Estates

Have you been left out of a Will, concerned with the provisions in a Will or believe it to be unfair? Free Will Dispute Assessment

Binding Financial Agreement
Binding Financial Agreement

Having a Binding Financial Agreement (pre-nup) provides advantages, a way forward for both parties in the event of a marriage or de facto relationship breakdown.

DeFacto Separation Entitlements
DeFacto Separation Entitlements

In the event of a de facto relationship breakdown, it is important to be aware of your de facto relationship separation entitlements & obtain a financial adjustment

Testamentary Trust
Testamentary Trust

A testamentary trust can be established under a will for either specific assets or for the balance of the Estate (after debts and making all other specific gifts).

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